Angela enjoys listening to music and dancing. Angela used to sing on Sri-Lankan programmes and shows when she was younger and has modelled for campaigns around vitiligo. Angela has vitiligo which is widespread around her body.“My vitiligo started when I was around 14 years old. It was so difficult to accept it and be confident especially at a time where I should’ve been carefree and just enjoying life. Another hurdle for me was coming from an Asian background where marriage is seen as one of the most important part of every girls life. I wasn’t seen as normal and I started feeling like a burden as it was just as difficult for my parents as it was for me. One summer I went to Srilanka for my cousins wedding but only to discover that there was also another marriage being planned… FOR ME!!!
The reasoning behind this for my family was that when my vitiligo gets worse and more obvious no one would want to marry me and I will end up being on my own! Somehow, I managed to avoid the marriage even though the date was set and found my own life partner and soon after having our son. A few years on I reflected on everything I’d been through as well as thinking of what I am teaching my son by being embarrassed and covering up my condition with make up. I joined some support groups on social media and little did I know at the time that my life was going to change for the better. I was invited to a vitiligo shoot which after a lot of encouragement on the day from my friend prior to the shoot I made it and actually enjoyed flaunting my skin for the first time in many years. From this moment I knew that I wanted to do more shoots and possibly do some modelling. It was shortly after this that I had heard and read about Zebedee! And as they say, the rest was all history! Looking back now I am able to reflect and move away from the stereotype of being normal and make my own normal.”
Angela enjoys listening to music and dancing. Angela used to sing on Sri-Lankan programmes and shows when she was younger and has modelled for campaigns around vitiligo. Angela has vitiligo which is widespread around her body.“My vitiligo started when I was around 14 years old. It was so difficult to accept it and be confident especially at a time where I should’ve been carefree and just enjoying life. Another hurdle for me was coming from an Asian background where marriage is seen as one of the most important part of every girls life. I wasn’t seen as normal and I started feeling like a burden as it was just as difficult for my parents as it was for me. One summer I went to Srilanka for my cousins wedding but only to discover that there was also another marriage being planned… FOR ME!!! The reasoning behind this for my family was that when my vitiligo gets worse and more obvious no one would want to marry me and I will end up being on my own! Somehow, I managed to avoid the marriage even though the date was set and found my own life partner and soon after having our son. A few years on I reflected on everything I’d been through as well as thinking of what I am teaching my son by being embarrassed and covering up my condition with make up. I joined some support groups on social media and little did I know at the time that my life was going to change for the better. I was invited to a vitiligo shoot which after a lot of encouragement on the day from my friend prior to the shoot I made it and actually enjoyed flaunting my skin for the first time in many years. From this moment I knew that I wanted to do more shoots and possibly do some modelling. It was shortly after this that I had heard and read about Zebedee! And as they say, the rest was all history! Looking back now I am able to reflect and move away from the stereotype of being normal and make my own normal.”