Chelsea is profoundly deaf and through her own personal struggles, has grown to become a highlymotivated individual with a passion for connecting with the hard of hearing (HOH) community. She placed in the top 10 of Miss Arizona Beauty Pageant [2016]. She is driven by a deep desire to bridge the gap between the hearing and Deaf worlds, creating a more inclusive society for the hard of hearing by becoming an advocate and model for Zebedee Agency.

Chelsea is profoundly deaf and through her own personal struggles, has grown to become a highlymotivated individual with a passion for connecting with the hard of hearing (HOH) community. She placed in the top 10 of Miss Arizona Beauty Pageant [2016]. She is driven by a deep desire to bridge the gap between the hearing and Deaf worlds, creating a more inclusive society for the hard of hearing by becoming an advocate and model for Zebedee Agency.